Category Archives: Nevrokirurgi

EU-midler til bevissthetsforskere i Oslo

Et konsortium ledet fra Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) fikk i september 2015 bevilget midler til bevissthetsforskning (ca. 16 mill. NOK for de første 2 år; ), innenfor the Human Brain Project (HBP).

Prosjektet, som ledes av J.F. Storm, UiO, omfatter forskningsgrupper i Oslo, Belgia, Italia og Sveits:

Oslo: UiO (The Brain Signaling group, led by J.F. Storm) og Oslo Universitetssykehus (OUS, Rikshospitalet: overlege, Pål Gunnar Larsson, Nevrokirurgisk avd. o.a.; og Sunnaas sykehus: Dr. Marianne Løvstad o.a.)

Belgia: The Coma Science Group, led by Dr. Steven Laureys, at the Cyclotron Research Centre of the University of Liège.

Italia:  Integrated Thalamo-Cortical Function (iTCf) research group ( led by Dr. Marcello Massimini, University of Milan.

Sveits: Sean Hill, co-Director of Neuroinformatics in Human Brain Project (HBP), Ecole Poly­tech­nique Fédérale de Lau­sanne (EPF), and Scientific Director of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)

Prosjektets tittel: Experimental and computational exploration of consciousness mechanisms and methods in mice and humans  (Short name: Conscious Brain)


EU commision

2015_Sept_PRESS RELEASE from EU Commission

Funding for TMS-EEG equipment for consciousness research in Oslo

A consortium of neuroscience research groups and clinicians at the University of Oslo (UiO) and Oslo University Hospital (OUS) has recently obtained funding from the infastructure programme at UiO for acquiring TMS-EEG equipment for use in consciousness research.

Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) combined With TMS-compatible high-density electroencephalography (hdEEG) have numerous applications in preclinical and clinical brain research, diagnosis and therapy, related to sensory, motor, and cognitive brain functions and diseases. TMS is widely used in research in humans and animals, and for diagnosis and monitoring of sensory, motor and cognitive dysfunctions, including altered states of consciousness due to brain injury or stoke. TMS can also be used for research and guiding in neurosurgery, monitoring anesthesia or rehabilitation after brain injury, treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders including depression and multiple sclerosis.

Navigated TMS combined with high-density EEG (nTMS-hdEEG) has recently yielded highly promising results in consciousness research and diagnosis of disorders of consciousness, by providing a measurable index of consciousness.