Category Archives: Ukategorisert

EU-midler til bevissthetsforskere i Oslo

Et konsortium ledet fra Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) fikk i september 2015 bevilget midler til bevissthetsforskning (ca. 16 mill. NOK for de første 2 år; ), innenfor the Human Brain Project (HBP).

Prosjektet, som ledes av J.F. Storm, UiO, omfatter forskningsgrupper i Oslo, Belgia, Italia og Sveits:

Oslo: UiO (The Brain Signaling group, led by J.F. Storm) og Oslo Universitetssykehus (OUS, Rikshospitalet: overlege, Pål Gunnar Larsson, Nevrokirurgisk avd. o.a.; og Sunnaas sykehus: Dr. Marianne Løvstad o.a.)

Belgia: The Coma Science Group, led by Dr. Steven Laureys, at the Cyclotron Research Centre of the University of Liège.

Italia:  Integrated Thalamo-Cortical Function (iTCf) research group ( led by Dr. Marcello Massimini, University of Milan.

Sveits: Sean Hill, co-Director of Neuroinformatics in Human Brain Project (HBP), Ecole Poly­tech­nique Fédérale de Lau­sanne (EPF), and Scientific Director of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)

Prosjektets tittel: Experimental and computational exploration of consciousness mechanisms and methods in mice and humans  (Short name: Conscious Brain)


EU commision

2015_Sept_PRESS RELEASE from EU Commission

NorMind – a network of philosophers of mind: first Meeting in Bergen January 2015

20150609_NORMIND Logo Se:

“NorMind is an informal network of philosophers of mind and cognitive science working in the Nordic countries.

The overarching aim of the network is to nurture a stronger community of researchers who are working in the Nordic countries, and who have overlapping interests.

NorMind does this in two ways: by organising meetings, and by running a blog.”  NorMind organised its first Meeting at the University of Bergen on January 9, 2015

Excellent lectures by Christof Koch at the University of Oslo, May 8, 2015

The largest lecture hall at the University of Oslo was filled with scientists, students, and others when Professor Christof Koch presented both his pioneering work in consciousness research, and his work at the Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, USA, where he is currently the Chief Scientific Officer, in two excellent lectures:

  1. Building Brain Observatories – Exploring Cortex in a High-Throughput Manner
  2. The Biology of Consciousness
Christof Koch lecturing on “The Biology of Consciousness “ in the largest lecture hall of the University of Oslo, on May 8, 2015.
The Vice-Rector of the University of Oslo, Prof. Knut Fægri opened the meeting.
Johan Storm hosted the meeting and introduced Dr. Koch.

The lectures were followed by a panel discussion on consciousness research with Dr. Koch, Thomas Espeseth   (psychology, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo), Thomas Watzl and Hedda Hassel Mørch (both from philosophy, University of Oslo), and Johan Storm (neurophysiology, University of Oslo).

Dr. Olve Moldestad chaired the panel discussion with (from left) Thomas Watzl and Hedda Hassel Mørch (philosophy, University of Oslo), Christof Koch , Johan Storm (neurophysiology, University of Oslo), and Thomas Espeseth (psychology, Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo).
From the panel discussion; (from left) Hedda Hassel Mørch, Christof Koch , Johan F. Storm, and Thomas Espeseth

This open meeting was hosted by the Forum for Consciousness Research, in collaboration with the University of Oslo.

After the open meeting, there was a lunch with invited guests. And Christof Koch gave an interview on free will” to the national Norwegian TV company NRK. The Interview will be aired in the science magazine “Scrödingers katt” in the fall of 2015.

Well-attended lecture “On Consciousness” by Terrence Deacon in Oslo

Dr. Terrence W. Deacon, Professor of Biological Anthropology and Linguistics at University of California-Berkeley, was invited to Oslo in January 2015 by the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo. Reflecting his wide interests, he gave seminars and lectures both about language (in Inst. Anthropology, Jan. 7) and about evolution at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, UiO (Jan. 9). On Saturday 10 January, he also presented his ideas on consciousness in a joint meeting of the Forum for Consciousness Research and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, in Litteraturhuset, in a lecture covering a wide range of topics, entitled:

“On consciousness – Emergence of Life and Consciousness: How “self” can be physical and yet neither material nor energetic”

The “Amalie Skram” lecture hall in Litteraturhuset was filled to capacity with an interested audience.

Professor Øivind Andersen, Secretary General of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, opened the meeting and welcomed Professor Deacon. The lecture was followed by questions from the audience and a panel discussion.

Professor Professor Terrence W. Deacon giving his lecture: «On consciousness”, Saturday 10 January, 2015 in Litteraturhuset, Oslo.



Professor Øivind Andersen, Secretary General of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, opened the meeting and welcomed Professor Deacon.


Professor Johan F. Storm introduced Professor Deacon.


The “Amalie Skram” lecture hall was filled with an interested audience.
The “Amalie Skram” lecture hall was filled with an interested audience.
The lecture was followed by questions from the audience and a panel discussion with (from left) Thomas Watzl (philosophy, University of Oslo), Terrence W. Deacon (UC-Berkeley), and Johan F. Storm (neurophysiology, University of Oslo).


This webpage will soon be updated (December 2014)

In September this year, we changed the address and format of our webpage from the one shown in the picture (, from July 2014) to the present one (, which was opened 30 September.

The old webpage ( was then closed down, but most of its content has unfortunately not yet been transferred to this new page, because of other obligations. Thus at present only a few samples of the previous content are shown here.

In the next few days and weeks, we will gradually update this webpage and also import more of the old content.

-Johan F. Storm, 23 Nov. 2014