The largest lecture hall in Litteraturhuset was over-filled with people when Giulio Tononi gave a brilliant lecture about his research on consciousness and his Integrated Information Theory at Litteraturhuset in Oslo. It was an open meeting hosted by the Forum for Consciousness Research and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
Professor Nils Christian Stenseth, leader of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, opens the Meeting.
Giulio Tononi (left) with professors Dagfinn Føllesdal (philosophy, UiO and Stanford:; middle) and Jens Erik Fenstad (mathematics, UiO; right) before Tononi’s lecture.Panel discussion with Dagfinn Føllesdal and Sebastian Watzl (both philosophy; left), Giulio Tononi, and Jens Erik Fenstad (mathematics; right).Johan F. Storm chaired the meeting and panel discussion with Giulio Tononi, Dagfinn Føllesdal (philosophy; left), Jens Erik Fenstad (mathematics; right), Bruno Laing (psychology; half hidden).20130407_R4-A3_PLAKAT_TONONI-MØTET Litthuset 4-Apri_RETTET Chair etc_JFS